Battle River Power Coop Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of a Rural Electrification Association plays an important role in ensuring the success of the co-operative utility. As Directors, our role is to "serve and protect" our members and our Coop. We accomplish that through sound governance and well-established board structure and policies.
Directors are fellow members, who live, work, and play in the communities the Coop serves. They truly understand the issues, economics, challenges, and successes of our rural Alberta members. Battle River Power Coop prides itself on recognizing that our members are more than simply customers; a philosophy brought to the board table by member-elected Directors.
Directors are elected for a three-year term and annually there is a rotation of Directors to allow for continuity, leveraged with new ideas and input. Responding to member feedback, and whenever possible, Directors work to address member needs. Directors govern the Coop with the goal of maintaining and protecting a cost-effective, efficient Coop now, and into the future.