
If you wish to make changes to your existing service (upgrading or downgrading), certain steps and details are required.

If making changes to a service, you must first confirm what load you will be putting on the system. This will require a consultation with an electrician to determine the amperage necessary for the upgrade or downgrade to meet your needs. You have the option to engage a Battle River Power Coop electrician for an upgrade/downgrade assessment or an independent professional.

For members in good standing who have owned the account for 5 years, Battle River Power Coop will cover the cost to upgrade (up to 150 amp) or downgrade once after every 5 year period if required.

If you would like to view cost implications that may be applicable to a service change, check the Rate Schedule or contact Battle River Power Coop Operations Department (1-877-428-3972) to discuss.

If you prefer to start the process online, please complete and submit the following form. Upon receipt, we will contact you to review your requirements and schedule the change.

Personal Information


Changes To Service

Select Required Service
Type of Service

I agree that Battle River Power Coop will be increasing / decreasing my breaker to a:

Distribution Tariff

This will result in the distribution tariff being increased / decreased to:
(If you are unsure, refer to Distribution Tariffs on the Rate Schedule.)