Building a New Service

Working with Battle River Power Coop to start a new service or expand an existing service is easy and the team works closely with you to ensure we truly understand your needs and build a service that responds to them.

To get started, simply contact Battle River Power Coop at 1 (877) 428-3972, ask for the Systems Planning and Engineering Department and we will begin working with you immediately to start the process. During the initial contact we will require some basic information as follows: name, land title owner, address, phone number, legal land location for new service and some basic details on the service size you require.

Step One: Consultation and Site Meeting

Battle River Power Coop will schedule a consultation/site meeting with you to review a proposed site plan. This plan will take into account the overview of the site including transformer location, future /current structure to be serviced, shelterbelts, and access to, and within, the property. We will discuss load requirements, present and future, and review the distribution tariff. Information from this meeting will be utilized to generate a quote.

Step Two: Quotation

Battle River Power Coop will provide a detailed quote and is available to discuss all aspects with you. The quote is valid for 90 days from issue date. Quote acceptance includes all signed paperwork and confirmation of financial obligations.

Step Three: Design

A dedicated communication liaison will work with you through the remainder of the process. During this step, staking /surveying is completed and the site environment is reviewed and confirmed accessible and ready for construction. Systems Planning and Engineering will finalize a detailed construction service design confirming materials required and applicable scheduling. A Site ID is assigned and external permits and approvals and approximate timelines are confirmed.

For easy reference, below is a list of common approval requirements and estimated timelines.

Potential Requirements Approximate Timeline
Municipality approval Up to one month
Special approvals from phone or cable One to two weeks
Removal of trees or bushes Two to three weeks
Pipeline approval Two to three weeks
Railway crossings Five to six weeks
Notification of possible outages during construction Up to one week
Alberta Transportation approval Three weeks
Transmission Line attachments Two to three months

Step Four: - Scheduling and Construction

Service is scheduled for construction at which time Battle River Power Coop will ensure all brushing, trenching, and first calls are completed and site access is unimpeded. While during this process we communicate regularly regarding progress, we also officially re-confirm construction start date one week prior to the scheduled time and again the day before.

Step Five: Construction Complete - Energization

Energization timeline is dependent on all the following being completed:

  • Battle River Power Coop inspection of new construction and electrical inspection authority.
  • Member submits an electrical permit from his electrician that reflects the secondary lines are adequate to attach to Battle River Power Coop's facilities.
  • Member supplies a written request for the energization of the site and confirms energy provider.
  • Battle River Power Coop installs meter.