Retailer Information

Retailer Service Agreement

Retailer Terms and Conditions

Site Cycle Catalogue Site & bill cycle files are provided in a comma delimited (.csv) format.

Site ID Catalogue Site ID Catalogue files are provided in a comma delimited (.csv) format.

To view catalogues, save the document and open in Notepad.

Tariff Bill Calendar Tariff Bill Calendar file (.csv format) provides the bill cycle schedule.

To view the calendar, save the document and open in Notepad.


Alberta Utilities Commission

The Alberta Utilities Commission is an independent, quasi-judicial agency of the province of Alberta. The AUC is responsible to ensure that the delivery of Alberta's utility service takes place in a manner that is fair, responsible and in the public interest. The Alberta Utilities Commission regulates the utilities sector, natural gas and electricity markets to protect social, economic and environmental interests of Alberta where competitive market forces do not.

Market Surveillance Administrator

Alberta's Market Surveillance Administrator (MSA) is in place to monitor Alberta's electricity and retail natural gas markets to ensure that they operate in a fair, efficient and openly competitive manner. The MSA exists under the Alberta Utilities Commission Act with a broad mandate including surveillance, investigation and enforcement to help ensure fair, efficient and openly competitive electricity and retail natural gas markets in Alberta.

Energy Choice / Utility Consumer Advocate

Members are free to purchase natural gas services or electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta). Code of Conduct Regulation: Advertising Section 7(1)

For Battle River Power Coop Energy Choice details visit Energy Retailers and Regulated Rate.

Electric Utilities Act Code of Conduct Regulation Compliance Plan

Electric Utilities Act Code of Conduct Regulation Compliance Plan (PDF)

Complaints about contraventions of the Code of Conduct Regulation may be made to the Alberta Utilities Commission or the Market Surveillance Administrator. The Alberta Utilities Commission can be reached by contacting 1-403-310-4282 or 1-833-511-4282 outside Alberta or The Market Surveillance Administrator can be reached by contracting 1-403-705-3181 or

Member Privacy

Battle River Power Coop takes our commitment to member privacy seriously. In support of that responsibility, the Coop takes steps to ensure privacy and accuracy of member communication and information which include:

  • Providing consent forms that Members must sign prior to the release of their information to third parties (e.g., retailers).
  • Providing a privacy request letter to allow Members to keep personal information from being accessed by other Members.
  • Recording phone calls to the main office for quality assurance.
  • Submitting and receiving approval of the Code of Conduct Regulation Compliance Plan. The Battle River Power Coop Compliance Plan outlines the Coop's obligations and provides information to members regarding compliance and privacy procedures.