FAQ - New Services

Albertans enquiring about electrical service in rural Alberta are often unfamiliar with Rural Electrification Associations. Following are some frequently asked questions and answers arising from discussions between new residents in our area and Battle River Power Coop staff.

Q: What is an REA?
A: REA stands for Rural Electrification Association. Electricity came to Alberta farms through cooperative REAs beginning in the 1940’s. They are here because both the Provincial Government and private utilities of the time declined to install electrical infrastructure in rural Alberta. That left electrification up to the farmers themselves, who formed REAs and put in their own power. There have been many changes, amalgamations and innovations over the years and Battle River Power Coop today is a modern, full service power distribution utility.

Q: Is Battle River Power Coop still an REA?
A: Yes. The name was chosen to make a clear statement about our status as a cooperative.

Q: How do I know if I am within Battle River Power Coop’s service area?
A: Phone the office, 1.877.428.3972 and ask for the System Planning and Engineering Department. Be prepared to give them your legal land description, and they will be happy to confirm your residency within our service area.

Q: What is the cost of installing a new service through Battle River Power Coop?
A: Cost depends on the unique requirements on each site. A consultation/site visit is required before a quote is issued. See more about installing a new service

Q: Is financing available?
A: Yes. Our System Planning and Engineering staff is fully qualified to explain available financing plans.

Q: Who will do the installation, maintenance and service?
A: Battle River Power Coop does its own installations, maintenance and service calls.

Q: If Battle River Power Coop installs my new service, is the Coop automatically my power provider?
A: YES, Battle River Power Coop will always be your distribution service provider but you do have a choice in regards to the actual energy portion. All members are free to purchase electricity services from the regulated rate provider or from a retailer of their choice. The delivery of electricity to you is not affected by your choice. If you change who you purchase electricity services from, you will continue receiving electricity from the distribution company in your service area. For a current list of retailers you may choose from, visit www.ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310-4822 (toll free in Alberta).

illustration, magnifying glass and questions
July 15, 2024

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