Coop Principles in Action, Part 2

The seven cooperative principles are central to defining cooperative businesses. Continuing the blog from October 11, coop principles 4 through 7 are outlined below:

Coop Principle #4: Autonomy and Independence

Battle River Power Coop is autonomous in that it operates under the direction and governance of an elected Board of Directors who guide and direct the association. Members have the opportunity to provide input on reports and issues presented at the Annual General Meeting.

Coop Principle #5: Education, Training, and Information

Battle River Power Coop provides education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperative. Battle River Power Coop works within its communities by providing scholarships for members’ children to advance their education, leadership camp sponsorships for youth, and public safety training presentations to EMS, fire departments and schools. We keep members, government and stakeholders informed through a diverse communication program including monthly newsletters, a robust social media platform, radio advertising, this website, and meetings as appropriate.

Coop Principle #6: Cooperation Among Cooperatives

Battle River Power Coop works with other Rural Electrification Associations (REAs) to lobby government to understand the continuing REA value to Alberta and the importance of service to their rural members. Mutual aid agreements exist amongst REAs in the event of regional emergencies and REAs work collaboratively on issues that affect them all.

Additionally, Battle River Power Coop is a strong member of the Alberta Federation of Rural Electrification Associations (AFREA), the provincial association of REAs. The AFREA mission is to create the conditions for REAs to be successful and sustainable, and to support REAs in becoming best practice organizations. In fact, the President of the AFREA, Mr. Dan Astner, is also the Chair of Battle River Power Coop.

Coop Principle #7: Concern for Community

Battle River Power Coop works collaboratively with the municipalities that it services on coordinating vegetation management programs, line patrols and capital projects. These synergies leverage taxpayer dollars for maximum return. The Member Benefit Program partners with local businesses that are promoted to members with the goal of keeping dollars in our rural communities. Annually, the staff supports local food banks and Battle River Power Coop sponsors a day working for Habitat for Humanity.

poster: coop principles in action
August 12, 2024

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