Building Wellness on the Farm is the theme of Ag Safety Week 2020. The theme recognizes that safety goes beyond equipment maintenance, safe use of materials and appropriate personal protective equipment. The opening statement on the Ag Safety Week webpage reads, “A healthy farmer is a safe farmer and a safe farmer is a strong farmer. Look after your health and wellness. It’s one of the best investments you can make for the future of your farm.”

Health and wellness, in farming and in other sectors, has in recent years embraced a more inclusive definition. There is a growing realization that health is a single topic, not divisible into categories of physical, mental, psychological or any other, because, simply put, health problems of any type cause the person to be unwell. The old concept of health, as a state of being free from illness or injury, is being replaced by the World Health Organization definition, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”.

Applied to work and safety, this definition of health fosters better productivity, strong personal relations, and the ability to cope with day to day stressors. For farmers whose home and workplace are the same, Building Health and Wellness becomes an inclusive topic that affects both the business and the farm family.

The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) has assembled a comprehensive, accessible set of materials for Ag Safety Week, written by experts in their fields. The topics are: Dealing with Conflict, Making Transitions, Living with Stress, and Maintaining Healthy Relationships. You can read these articles on the Ag Safety Week webpage:

CASA reminds us:


  1. You’re worth it
  2. Your family, friends, and community will benefit
  3. Your farm will benefit
  4. Your life will benefit